[MUD-Dev] Counting Massive Multi Players

Lars Duening lars at bearnip.com
Tue Jul 29 23:37:29 CEST 2003

On Tuesday, July 29, 2003, at 05:32 AM,
Daniel.Harman at barclayscapital.com wrote:
> From: Madrona Tree [mailto:madronatree at hotmail.com]

>> Maybe this is a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway.
>> Why, if it is impossible to confirm Social Security Numbers, do
>> you require one to play?

>> Or are you saying that it *is* possible to confirm SSNs, but it
>> is impossible to confirm that they aren't used for multiple
>> accounts?

> As to why they want it, I'm speculating, but I suspect it is the
> best way they can think of uniquely ID'ing people given the way
> payments are handled.

Personally I am wary of any company asking for my SSN (especially
here in the USA), passport number, or similar information - this
information is too easily abused.

A quick romp through www.lineage.com didn't show any mention of
SSNs, so maybe the American users don't need to provide them, but

Lars Duening; lars at bearnip.com
GPG Key: http://www.bearnip.com/lars/lars-duening.gpgkey
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