[MUD-Dev] Re: MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #285 - 32 msgs

Jeff Freeman SkeptAck at antisocial.com
Fri Jan 26 12:31:50 CET 2001

From: "Koster, Raph" <rkoster at verant.com>

>> We have 4 different chat commands, tell(") for private message,
>> say(') for players in same screen, shout(!) for approximately 3x3
>> screen size, and global chat(&) for all in the world. We restricted
>> shout with food and global chat with level to avoid spamming.  So
>> shouting always makes you hungry without relation to level.
> This is a pretty common mud technique, Jeff.

Letting users "global shout" in the first place still strikes me as
bizarre.  For a MMORPG?

UO:R's IRC-type chat is pretty cool.  It would be better, as I said
before, if it a standard IRC client could interface with it (and if
standard email client could send email to people in-game, and vice
versa, and also ditto for guild web boards and instant-messaging).

Although that wouldn't be good for "the longer people stay online, the
more money we make" model, it'd be great for US MMORPGs.  'People
"playing the game" and staying active in the community and so on,
without actually logging in.

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