[MUD-Dev] Gender and Mud Development

Caliban Tiresias Darklock caliban at darklock.com
Tue Jun 8 17:21:59 CEST 1999

On 05:01 PM 6/8/99 +00-05, I personally witnessed Jon A. Lambert jumping up
to say:
>Consider briefly the recent threads on Achaea and Ultimate Universe.  Are
>these games that appeal to significant numbers women?  Personally I think 
>not.  So would you likely find lots of women involved in creating such a 
>game?  Again, no, unless they were getting paid.

This is a neat little vicious circle. As long as men design the games, they
will appeal primarily to men. As long as they appeal primarily to men,
women will not tend to get actively involved in designing them. Unless
someone breaks this mold, it will just go on being like this. 

Women as a cultural demographic tend to want very different things from
games than men do. The terms "chick flick" and "guy movie" are
representative: women tend to want interpersonal relation, character
development, and intellectual stimulation. Guys, on the other hand, just
wanna blow shit up. 

It's much easier to satisfy men than it is to satisfy women.

(God, I can't believe I just said that. Pardon me while I go laugh.)

| Caliban Tiresias Darklock            caliban at darklock.com 
| Darklock Communications          http://www.darklock.com/ 
| U L T I M A T E   U N I V E R S E   I S   N O T   D E A D 
| 774577496C6C6E457645727355626D4974H       -=CABAL::3146=- 

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