[MUD-Dev] Re: Less numbers, more roleplaying.

Jon A. Lambert jlsysinc at ix.netcom.com
Fri Nov 28 14:30:54 CET 1997

On 28 Nov 97 at 9:55, Adam Wiggins wrote:
> [Derrick Jones:]
> > On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Richard Woolcock wrote:
> > > Derrick Jones wrote:
> > > > Perhaps the mud's web-page would be better
> > > > suited for character creation?  This would make help files a bit easier to
> > > > navigate, and character generation is where they're leaned on the most.
> > > This would be a good idea, but it should be an option not a replacement - 
> > > at university, I didn't have web access unless I used the xterms (which I 
> > > wasn't allowed to use for anything to do with "those silly games").  Instead
> > > I had to stick with dumb terminals and the occasional PC.
> > 
> > True.  Hadn't concidered access difficulties.
> I doubt there is anyone with access to the internet that can't get on
> the web if they need to.  I quite frequently loaded up lynx on the
> university's vt-100 terminals to get some info on a web page.
> However, I don't *like* doing this.  I don't like logging onto a mud,
> starting character creation, and getting a message that I should first
> read the creation docs at www.whatever.org.
> Now, I think a good web page for players that have already taken an
> interest in is a great idea.  You can put up graphical maps of the world,
> pictures of what certain races look like (very useful if you have highly
> unique races), plus lots of general info about the world and the
> game interface.  Thus you get someone who logs onto a mud, starts
> character creation, reads the online docs (which, so as not to scare
> anyone off straight away, should be short and sweet) for creation, makes
> a character, and starts playing the game.  At some point (probably in
> the main help index) they should be presented with the web page address,
> so once they've seen that 'hey, this looks pretty cool...I'd like to
> get some more info about the world and game in general' then they can
> pop over to the page.
> Or, if they so desire, they can pop up a web browser in another window
> straight off and use that for any help they might need.  But they
> shouldn't be required to do this.

I will be requiring users to use Nutscrape, Internut Exploder or 
SomeOtherJavaEnabledBrowser to access my mud.  This will likely doom
my mud to relative obscurity.  Very few potential players will have 
access to this technology. :P  

<removing tongue from cheek>

Jon A. Lambert

If I'd known it was harmless, I would have killed it myself.

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