[MUD-Dev] Re: META: FAQ: Location, etc

Matt Chatterley root at mpc.dyn.ml.org
Sun Dec 14 12:31:48 CET 1997

On Sat, 13 Dec 1997, Sauron wrote:
> Matt Chatterley wrote:
> > On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 s001gmu at nova.wright.edu wrote:
> [snip]
> > > Name: Greg Underwood
> > >
> > > Occupation: Foole  :P  Student, primariy, Simulation design Co-Op to pay
> > > the bills. (as a side note, I am probably one of the younger members of
> > > the list, weighing in at age 23)
> > 
> > I'm also a student, but waiting on return from my university application.
> Which university would that happen to be?

Edinburgh and Portsmouth, in Scotland/England respectively.
> > I think I can claim the accolate of youngest, since I am only 18 (I feel
> > older, if that counts!)
> I rarely divulge my real age over the i-net because I have found as much
> as people say that they acknowledge all ideas based on their own merit
> instead of the "experience" (which I have sadly found is almost always
> considered proportionate to age not actual experience) I have not been
> take seriously in some circles. I think I can claim the title of
> youngest being of age 15 (16 in April). 

This is another interesting point (and one which I would vouch for). I
would certainly not have guessed your age anywhere near accurately,
because you raise good points, and generally seem to know what you're
talking about (as much as any of us can claim to with a subject matter
like this!). I think in public perception though, age does count when it
is far younger than the norm (15-16, anything under university ages
really, is perceived as very young in mudding circles, I think - which
represents a skewed perception, since more and more mudders ARE younger),
or of course very much older. A 13 year old mudder, and an 80 year old
mudder would both be given extra (undue, and often unfair) consideration.
> My personal interest in mu*'s started with the "ow, wow, I want one of
> those" comments. As I actually began to take my own MUD's creation
> seriously I started to collaborate on other projects and really get into
> C and some of perl (the perl came from an in-the-browser MUD named
> ROCK). Currently I am taking a set of structured courses on C (though I
> tend to have more fun doing the "learn by hacking" method). 

I started off with similar thoughts and motives (didn't we all?), and that
lead to my first game, and subsequently, first disaster. The second didn't
get off the ground (it was a skewed attempt at ressurection). Over a year
later, next attempt is doing well. :)

	-Matt Chatterley
	ICQ: 5580107
"I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world." -Einstein

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