[MUD-Dev] The Lag monster...

Morris Cox morriscox at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 17:39:37 CET 2004

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:46:24 +0100, Miroslav Silovic
<miro at puremagic.com> wrote:

> Let'd do a little calculation here. Suppose you have 100 visible
> objects, and send position updates 50 times per second. Homogenous
> matrix in single precision is 4x4 floats, or 64 bytes. Since you
> won't want to do scale, skew, or projective transformations,
> you're down to 6 independant components for translation +
> rotation. This gives you 4*4*4by * 100 * 50 = 120KB/sec. But even
> a crude lossy compression will give you a huge ratio - most of
> those 100 objects will not move quite /all/ the time, and you're
> allowed to nib a bit here and there, and the components of these
> matrices can be pretty accurately predicted from frame to
> frame. I'd say 1:20 is a reasonable minimal ratio you can
> expect. At 1:20, this is 6kb/second. For 100 objects at 50 fps,
> without too many fancy techniques.

4*4*4*100*50 gives me 320,000. Converting that to KB gives me
40,000.  And if you consider the 1024:1 ratio, I don't see how you
get 120KB/sec.

Morris Cox, INTP
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