[MUD-Dev] Random Placename Generation

Matt Chatterley zen31329 at zen.co.uk
Sun Apr 11 13:53:53 CEST 2004

From: Ben Hawes
> Edward Glowacki wrote:

>> The next step would be to try using all of the above. You could
>> organize them any way that makes sense to you and come up with an
>> algorithm to choose which way the name will be generated.  Maybe
>> traverse a hierarchy making a weighted decision at each level:

[snip example]

> Rather than have these various types on a straight probability, it
> might be worth weighting the chances depending on distance from
> the home world(s). So the pre-made lists are more likely to be
> used nearer (eg. our solar system, and the first few stars), but
> then drifts into coded letters/numbers as you reach the unexplored
> areas. Then save the randomly generated names for inhabited
> planets - the change in nomenclature between the first seen and
> recently settled would be natural considering the change in
> language and culture between early astronomy and advanced
> star-faring civilisations.

Wow. Lots of feedback on this. I like several of the ideas outlined,
and am currently planning the solution I am going to use -
unfortunately real life keeps interfering.

As you say, Ben, weighting by distance may well be a good idea - the
routines I have sketched out for map expansion (an automated system
task, based on the number of 'active' players in the game) will
always expand the map outwards, and always in four directions -
consider it an expanding circle.

However, this isn't sufficient for me to use when determining if an
area is unexplored or not, and my thoughts go like this: I will be
placing player outposts randomly within the map, and thus
'uncharted' should be defined in relation to the nearest player
outpost. So, as the distance from any player increases, as does the
probability that a planet will be given 'coded' designations until
explored. If a cluster is marked as coded, all planets within that
cluster will also be coded - if a cluster is named afterwards, all
planets will adopt that name plus their personal code. Should a
cluster be named (i.e. originally defined as explored), but
sufficiently far away from all players, it may still be possible
(although less likely) that planets within that cluster could have
clustername-planetcode designations, because they have not been
personally explored/mapped.

Another poster also suggested that the naming of planets could be
done client-side, allowing each player to associate names with
places - this is a great idea in some ways, although probably not
one I will use, as my vision of the game map is more unified, with
players being able to discuss and refer to places by their given
names (although the software COULD use the internal identifiers and
translate to player names within the front-end - this would hamper
bulletin board postings and such like, because player-typed text in
such functions will not be interpreted).

More research required before implementation, but thank you all for
your help!!


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