[MUD-Dev] [TECH] Voice in MO* - Phoneme Decomposition and Reconstruction

Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt hhs at cbs.dtu.dk
Tue May 14 14:05:03 CEST 2002

On Wed, 8 May 2002, Ted L. Chen wrote:

> Like all features, we should be looking at why do we want it
> included before we even look at how.  And at the risk of repeating
> something that's already been said, I'll list it out again here
> for completeness sake:
>   Why?
>     immersion
>     rate of input (some people type really slow <g>)
>     inflection is subtle (mostly) and a very powerful tool
>   Minimum Basic Requirements:
>     imposes low server bandwidth
>     imposes low server cpu processing overhead
>   Highly Desirable Features:
>     voice disguising
>     imposes low client bandwidth use
>     imposes low-med client cpu processing overhead
>   Desirable Features:
>     allows multiple channels (background chatter, focal chatter)
>     translation of voice into text and vice versa
> Mind you, the list I generated above is biased from the fact that
> I generated it after arriving at the solution :) Please feel free
> to add to it and see how the implementation below still holds up.

I wonder, if the current speech compression algorithms and bandwitrh
isn't getting fast and good enough to both encode, decode and
transmit several channels over the net. As far as i know the bitrate
is about 0.77-2 kbps (99% recognized) for compressed speech. Then
only retransmit atmost a few streams to a client. If theres alot of
'background babble', then make a unintellible background babble
generator and a single 'babble' stream whose 'content' is 'gleamed'
off at the server side (basically just a low ununtellibly mumble
generated at the client side with only volume control or perhaps
general pich adjusted through the server).

Since speech get unintellible fast if people talk over eachother
anyway mixing streams reliably with a great number of speakers don't
really pay off. Instead only take the nearest streams and add the
babble effect.

Sure it impinges on the desire for low server bandwidth, but really
how low is low now-a-days?

See article;


Hans Henrik Stærfeldt   |    bombman at diku.dk    | work:  hhs at cbs.dtu.dk      |
Address:                |___  +45 40383492    __|__       +45 45252471     __|
DTU, Kemitorvet,        | Scientific programmer at Center for Biological     |
bygn 208, CBS.          |  Sequence Analysis, Technical University of Denmark|

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