[MUD-Dev] Star Wars Galaxies: 1 character per server

Lars Duening lars at bearnip.com
Sun Dec 15 02:31:38 CET 2002

Marc Fielding wrote:

> In the following link, Raph defends Sony's limitation of "one
> character per server per account":

>   http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/starwars/Forum3/HTML/088000.html

> While there are secondary design motivations behind the
> limitation, the cost of storing a potentially immense amount of
> character data is the primary factor.

Which gave me an idea - maybe not that original or practical, but
hey, it's 2:30am:

How about offering the player to download and upload the character
data?  This way the player could have multiple characters, but would
have to carry the burden of storing the data himself, and only one
of the characters could be active at any one time.

Of course the data would need to be protected against tampering. I'd
encrypt the compressed character data with a randomly chosen strong
key, then encrypt this first key with fixed strong key and send both
the encrypted data and encrypted key to the player.

Lars Duening; lars at bearnip.com
GPG Key: http://www.bearnip.com/lars/lars-duening.gpgkey

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