[MUD-Dev] Introduction Systems

Phillip Lenhardt philen at monkey.org
Mon Mar 12 14:43:24 CET 2001

On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 05:43:57PM -0800, Ben Chambers wrote:

> Now, Ben's character file, stores that for him.  He would have a
> character file that is 33 bytes.  Then Kwon has a 33 byte file.
> John has a 33 byte file, Mark... etc.  For a total right there, of
> .165 K.  But this goes exponentially.  For an average length of
> name, N, and players P.  The storage required is P * ( P * (N + 3))
> bytes.  Now, for 999 characters, with average name length 6, you
> would have a required storage of 999 * 999 * 9 or: 8.98 MB.  With
> the 10 in my earlier example, it would have been 999 * 999 * 13, or
> 12.9 MB.  This is of course for total character files, but it s till
> is too much.

This has all been discussed before on the list, you might want to
check through the archives at www.kanga.nu.

But anyway, one proposed solution is for every character to have a
fixed- length lru queue of id->name pairs. And anyone who wasn't on
the queue would be named algorithmically. One enhancement I've
considered is to add another fixed-length lru queue of just ids that
would use the algorithmically generated name but also mention that an
entity looks familiar, though you can't quite remember why.
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