[MUD-Dev] ANNC: .NET Frameworks based Mud Codebase

Bruce bruce at puremagic.com
Mon Jan 15 02:29:29 CET 2001

Justin Rogers wrote:

> Hello,


> Since this is the biggest hoard of developers that I
> know of for MUDs, I am writing to you in hopes of gaining
> either some support or at least some suggestions on the
> project of creating a MUD codebased based on .NET
> technologies.  Following are my plans and a some of the
> benefits of programming with .NET.

I'd given this some thought in the past, but I felt unsafe
putting so much trust in a third party that didn't need me or
have any particular reason to care about me or my schedule.

My questions have nothing to do with what you said in the
remainder of your post. :)

What are your goals in doing this?

What do you hope to gain?

Is this just a fun project or do you intend to make a product out
of it?

What do you do if you need something that .NET doesn't, can't,
shouldn't or won't provide? 

Would you try to use .NET technologies to explicitly allow any
supported language to be used as a scripting language with the
MUD?  How would that impact your possible need for multi-user
security in the scripting language?

Is portability between platforms something that you care about,
or just a nicety should MS decide to port (or sponsor a port) to
other platforms?

 - Bruce
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