[MUD-Dev] Teaching ethics in MUDs (was Re: "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG")

Kwon Ekstrom justice at softhome.net
Thu Feb 22 23:46:50 CET 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Casbarian" <adamcas at concentric.net>
>   If a girl gives her real life address to some guy she fell in love
>   with, they meet and she gets raped, is the mud liable to some
>   degree?  Could that mud be sued?
Well, technically, at least in america, anyone can be sued, there's no
wrongful lawsuit law... would it work out?  I don't think it'd win in a
court personally.

Unless the mud's administration can be proven to be a part of planning the
offense from the start, there's not much you can do... might as well sue
microsoft because someone used windows to hack your *nix box.  Or the phone
company because someone found your name in the phone book and did the same

If they did succeed in sueing you, you can imagine places on the internet
where people can interact becoming a lot more exclusive about who they let
in, with long drawn-out disclaimers.

Just my 2 cents.
-- Kwon Ekstrom

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