[MUD-Dev] Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling))

Kristen L. Koster kkoster at austin.rr.com
Tue Aug 14 22:45:47 CEST 2001

on 8/14/01 12:07 AM, Marc Fielding at mfielding at bluefalcon.com wrote:

> Perhaps it shouldn't surprise me, but I'm somewhat reassured by
> the relative rarity of "K" in the profiles of admins and
> famous/accomplished people on the Bartle Test result page:
> http://www.andreasen.org/bartle/stats.cgi
> Presumably world creators by their very nature shun the disruptive
> actions of the Killer. On the other hand, it *could* be merely a
> sampling error: the Killer Admins were simply too engrossed in
> their single-minded treachery to complete the survey. ;)

In a lot of ways I think the people who go take tests like that are
self-selected. But I also agree with what Ling said, the questions
are funky (how's that for a scientific critique?). There are several
I'd like to choose more than one answer for and a couple I want a
NONE option. For some reason I took it twice and I know I didn't
score the same both times because of things like that. It wasn't
widely different but enough to notice.

-Kristen Koster
Kaige @ LegendMUD

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