[MUD-Dev] defeating twinking through game mechanics

Erik Jarvi ejarvi at megsinet.net
Sat Apr 22 19:34:18 CEST 2000

On Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 01:53:34AM -0700, S. Patrick Gallaty wrote:
> >Upkeep: Think rent.  Legend and Arctic both take slightly different tacks
> Shattered Worlds did this beautifully.  It was utterly inspired.  Armor lost
> about half it's effectiveness if it was around 10% damaged, if I recall.
> This meant you spent a lot of money trying to maintain it.
> There was just no way a newbie was going to have the cash to keep the armor
> in working order.
> Swords were the same way.  The more beat up a sword got the more likely it
> was to break, and maintaining a top-quality or rare metal sword was -very-
> expensive.
> Thus, most players even good ones ran around in banded armor and used 'good'
> but not fantastic weapons unless they were on a special mission.

This sounds about right, but one of our Gods, Jenna, recently rewrote 
alot of the armour/weapon/combat.  Also Dredd has been activly developing
the driver, which breaks thing once in awhile. :) 

One of our problems is that we have a stat called Chutzpah, that increases
or decreases depending on how difficult a situtation is when you use a skill.
Over time the long time players chu ends up in the dumper if they don't umm
do the things that they need to do to increase thier chu, like fight really 
tough monsters.  It's a problem with the mundane vs combat skills.


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