[MUD-Dev] Sony to ban sale of online characters from its popular gaming sites

Wes Connell wconnell at skotos.net
Tue Apr 11 17:49:19 CEST 2000

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 maddog at best.com wrote:

> item farming is not a profitable business.  Neither is account selling.
> A level 50 account can go from 800 to maybe 1800-2000 if it is a top 
> account.  Even at minimum wage the hours to create such an account
> does not compensate the person for the time they put into the account.
> However, it also seems a waste to let all the work get destroyed
> 90 days later when a person stops paying on the account.  They should
> at least archive it for a year with some potential to revive it later.
> Common objects can't be sold.  hard objects can take 12 hours or more to
> get. Extremely rare are almost impossible to get or are no longer
> available from mobs.  

I strongly disagree. I have a friend who makes about 4000 a month from
selling EQ items and accounts. Granted he "works" at least 14 hours a
day. Any kind of a group effort there could easily make more than that.

> The other thing that such a move does is get the people off of
> fairly safe places such as Ebay and into more underground activities.
> But such is Verant's (Brad's) surgical approach to problems.

I do agree. However this method will only effect the small guys. The
traders who have established a name for themselves only use eBay for new
client advertising. 

Hehe sorta seems silly that we are talking about a game here? =]

wconnell at skotos.net

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