[MUD-Dev] Re: DevMUD: Inheritable modules

The Arrow arrow at trelleborg.mail.telia.com
Sat Oct 31 18:26:05 CET 1998

On Sat, 31 Oct 1998, Thandor wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 31, 1998 at 01:14:20AM +0100, The Arrow wrote:

> >   o Compilation
> >       Abstract interface for all MUD-language compilers.  Modules
> >       inheriting this interface must provide real implementation of the
> >       interface.
> >   o Virtual Machine
> >       Abstract interface for all MUD-language interpreters.  Modules
> >       inheriting this interface must provide real implementation of the
> >       interface.
> If all "compiler" modules inherit the same abstract interface, is that going
> to restrict me to producing byte-code to the virtual machine? What if I want
> to write a compiler that produces native code? Maybe I misunderstand what you
> intend here, but I would think the interface a compiler inherits would be at
> least somewhat dependent on which virtual machine (if any) it is intended to
> compile code for.

What functionality do we want from the compiler/vm modules?
In my own mind, the compiler is just a black box, that wants the name of a
file to compile, and returns the compiled code together with a pointer (or a
handle or a name) to the VM needed to interpret the code.  More or less the
same with VMs, you give it a piece of code to interpret, and it returns a
succes/failure code.

/ Joachim
The Arrow                   Email: arrow at trelleborg.mail.telia.com
Joachim Pileborg              WWW: http://w1.410.telia.com/~u41003102/
"They say I don't give a shit about anything," -- Magnus Uggla
"but I don't give a shit about that."        (translated from swedish)

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