(fwd) CODE RELEASE: [client]: lyntin (hacker's client) 1.1b Released

J C Lawrence claw at under.engr.sgi.com
Thu Mar 12 18:42:52 CET 1998

From: Lyn A Headley <laheadle at cs.uchicago.edu>
Newsgroups: rec.games.mud.announce,rec.games.mud.diku,rec.games.mud.misc
Subject: CODE RELEASE: [client]: lyntin (hacker's client) 1.1b Released
Date: 22 Feb 1998 17:16:23 GMT

Lyntin aims to be the emacs of mud clients.  Let me know whether it
achieves that goal.

here's the README:

README file for lyntin 1.1b


lyntin is: 1) a featureful and highly extensible mud client
           2) A Bot/Agent development environment

Lyntin is implemented and extensible in Python, an insanely powerful
and easy very-high-level programming language invented by a guy named
Guido (see www.python.org).  This means that your actions (or
triggers, or autos, or whatever you call them) are no longer
restricted to simple 'if you see this then send this' kinds of things.
They can be python functions which do anything from setting a variable
to forking a web spider.  Anything Python allows (which is a lot),
lyntin allows.  In addition, your code can interface with and augment
lyntin's code.  I once tried to write a mud agent in plain tintin, and
while it was kinda cool, a 'program' it was not.  So if you want to
try something like that, or even if you just think a programmable mud
client would be kinda cool, give lyntin a try.  Oh yeah, besides that,
lyntin has lots of cool features which make mudding easier.


- Hooks 
Lyntin has been augmented with dozens of emacs-style hooks
(lists of user-defined functions which are called at certain times).
These increase flexibility and extensibility.  See below for a full

- Init File
A file called user.py is imported by lyntin at startup.  Provides a
convenient method for loading your customizations.

- Reports
A new feature with which you can say to lyntin:
"whenever you see a line containing this string, print it to this
file." Although this would be easily implemented by the user, it
seemed like a common-enough desire that I went ahead and added it.


- see the file INSTALL.
- NOTE: you will need Python 1.3 or greater installed at your site.
- NOTE: lyntin has only been tested under UNIX


lyntin was written by Lyn Headley, laheadle at cs.uchicago.edu
I appreciate ALL of the above sources of feedback

Hell, if you even USE this, drop me a line. That would make my day,
and I could send you bug fixes, patches, christmas cards etc.


The latest release of lyntin is always available from

This is a beta-release of lyntin, so I apologize in advance if a
dragon eats your character because of a bug.


lyntin incorporates the 'look and feel' of tintin, so it should be
pretty easy to make the transition.  It offers all the major features
of tintin, including multiple sessions, but leaves a few minor things
out.  If you've never used tintin, this document should be complete
enough to get you up to speed.


- All lyntin commands can be sequenced with ';'. 
l n;l e;l s;l w  -- sends one command, then the next, etc.
#al jj jump;#al bb bounce


- Any commands dealing with files are assumed to be located
in the directory specified by the environment variable 'LYNTINDIR',
unless they begin with '/'.  In this case they are interpreted as 
absolute pathnames.

HOOKS (for Python hackers)

- A hook is a (possibly empty) list of user-defined functions, which
lyntin calls at certain times to allow the user a chance to customize
lyntin's behavior.
- Lyntin is sprinkled with dozens of hooks, each of which is called
at a certain time.
- a list of all hooks can be found in the file hooks.py
- each hook may receive an argument tuple.  If so, this is specified 
via a comment above the relevant hook in hooks.py.
- add a function to a hook by calling the hook's 'add' method with the
function as an argument
- clear a hook of all functions by calling the hook's 'clear' method.

hooks.death_hook.add(my_death_function) -- adds the function
my_death_function to the list of functions in the hook death_hook.
remember, my_death_function must be a predeclared function which
accepts the right type of argument tuple.


- when lyntin starts up, it imports the file user.py
- fill this file with python code you want to execute as soon
as lyntin starts up.  you could e.g. initialize variables, set hooks,
define functions, send spam to the president, etc.

COMMANDS (these can all be abbreviated, except #quit and #clear):

![number] [old]=[new]
- redo a command from the history list.  [number] defaults to 0,
so ! and !0 are the same.  If [old] and [new] are present, all
occurrences of [old] are replaced by [new].

!4 jeff=jay

#@ (for Python hackers)
- this is the biggy.  Execute an _arbitrary_ python statement in
the context of lyntin's global variables.  I suggest you write your
own files of python code, then define an alias called 'loadcode' or
something, which consists of the command '#@import mycode' or whatever
the name of your file is. Then you can do stuff like
'#@mycode.func()', etc

- since you have access to all of lyntin's global variables, you can
call any of lyntin's functions too (although to use any of lyntin's
names from a file of your own code your file must import the proper
lyntin module.)  A handy one is the function SendPlainInput, which
resides in the module 'app.' Thus, app.SendPlainInput('flee') causes
the active session to send 'flee' to the mud.  Many other functions
can be found in the voluminously commented sourcecode. See the file
'data.py' for the global variables.  NOTE: your code is evaluated from
the module 'player', so when calling any functions from that module,
do NOT preface the call with the module name (i.e. player).  doing so
results in a name error.

#@for c in 'hello': print c
#@Putline('this is lyntin speaking')
#@myvars.dead = 'yep'

#action [trigger] [response]

- with no arguments, prints all actions

- with a single argument(with or witout braces), prints all actions which match
the argument (with wildcard expansion supported)

- With two brace-enclosed arguments, define an action.  Basically,
whenever lyntin sees anything from the mud which contains the text
[trigger], it executes the command [response].  [response] is handled
just as if you had typed it yourself, so it can be plain text to send
to the mud, or any lyntin command.  Actions are handy for automating
things you do a lot, and speeding up reaction time in critical
situations.  When defining an action, braces ( '{' and '}' ) are
mandatory around _both_ the trigger and the response.  Actions can be
'anchored' to the beginning of a line by prepending the trigger with
'^'.  Then, the action will not be triggered unless it occurs at the
beginning of a line.

- actions can contain lyntin pattern-variables, which look like
%[integer]. when lyntin sees a pattern-variable in an action trigger,
it tries to match any pattern against it, and saves any match it finds
so you can use it in the response.  see below for examples. NOTE: in
your triggers, you MUST start with the variable %1 and go up from
there by ONE.**1 thus, triggers like {%3 tells you %1} are illegal.

#ac {^You are hungry} {get bread bag;eat bread}
#ac {EVISCERATES joey} {rescue joey}
#ac {%1 gives you %2} {say thanks for the %2, %1!}
#ac {%1 tells you %2} {say %1 just told me %2}

**1 this is because lyntin uses the variable numbers as indices into a list.
    this might (and probably should) change in the future...
#alias [name] [expansion]

- an alias is a shorthand for an oft-typed command

- with no arguments, #alias simply print all aliases.

- with one argument, it prints the alias(es) which correspond to that
argument (wildcard expansion of '*' is supported). 

- otherwise, create an alias called name which expands to expansion.
from here on out, typing name at the beginning of a mud command will
invoke the alias expansion, which will be sent instead of what you
typed.  The expansion can contain lyntin pattern-variables, which look
like %[number].  The variable %0 contains the entire text typed after
the alias.  Other than that, %n is the nth word after the alias. If
the expansion contains no pattern-variables, and you type in arguments
to the alias, lyntin just appends whatever arguments you typed to the
expansion, and sends that.

- when defining an alias braces are only necessary around the
expansion if the expansion contains semicolons.  however, braces are
advised around both the name and the expansion.

#al insult {say you know, you're a %1, a complete and total %1}
#al kk kill dog (define an alias named kk which expands to kill dog)
#al lookround {l n;l e;l s;l w}
#al {k} {kill} (typing 'k dog' now sends 'kill dog')
#al k* (print all aliases starting with k)
#al al #al (define an alias named al which expands to #al)
#al kkk kill %1 (define an alias named kkk which expands to "kill arguments")

#all (command)
- apply command to all sessions.

#all n
#all #al kk kill dog

#char [character]

- the Lyntin character is the character you type before each lyntin
command. (by default, it is '#').
- with no arguments, print the current lyntin character.
- with a single character argument, change the lyntin character to
that argument.


- clear the current session of all aliases, actions, etc


- send a carriage return to the mud from the current session.  Useful
when aliases need to send a return.


- a 'databuffer' is a repository of previous output from
the mud.  It is mainly meant to be examined from python programs,
but two commands are provided for searching databuffers, '#datagrep' 
and '#datagreplines'. 

- with no arguments, display the size of the session's databuffer

- with one numeric argument, set the size of the session's databuffer
#datagrep (pattern)

- search for pattern in the current session's databuffer.  print any 
entries (in their entirety) in which a match was found.

- pattern can be any python regular expression

#datagrep gossip
#datagrep leather.*here
#datagreplines (pattern)

- search for pattern in the current session's databuffer.  print any 
_lines_ in which a match was found.

- pattern can be any python regular expression

#datagrep gossip
#datagrep leather.*here
#gag [text]

- with no arguments, print all current gags

- with one argument, define text as a gag for the current session.
>From here on out, any time lyntin sees text, it won't display the line
which contains it. useful for shutting up spammers.

#history [number] (regsub)

- with no arguments, print the current history list.  The history list
is a list of previous commands you entered.  These can be reexecuted with
the '!' command.

- with one argument, set the size of the history list to number.


- clear all sessions of actions/aliases/subs/gags/variables

#log (file)

- start a logging file for the current session in the file file.  From
here out any output from the mud will be recorded in file, and anything you
send to the mud will be too.  Useful for recording your exploits.

- with no arguments, if you are logging, lyntin stops logging.

- see FILES, above.

- kill lyntin immediately.  This will cut you off from any muds you
are currently connected to.

#read (file)

- load file as a set of lyntin actions/aliases/substitutes/gags/variables

- see FILES, above.

#a #read biff
#read /usr/local/lib/file1

#report [file textstring]

- if file and textstring are not present, print all reports.

- if args _are_ present, establish a report which prints any line
containing textstring (which may contain multiple words and python
regular expressions. All word borders are collapsed into a single
whitespace.) to file.

#a #report  -- prints all of session a's reports
#report myfile janey gossips -- records all of janey's gossips

#session name host port

- create a session called name, connected to the mud specified by
(host) (port).  From here on out, you can switch sessions by typing
#name, or you can make a certain session do something by typing #name
something, or you can make _all_ sessions do something by typing #all

#ses a tdome.montana.com 5555 <------ a cool mud

#showme (text)

- display text.  useful for sending messages to yourself.

#ac {%1 tells you %2} {#showme %1 just told me %2}


- toggle speedwalking for the current session.  If speedwalk is on,
any command which consists solely of the letters nwseud combined with
digits (eg nnnwu, 3e5nnnn) will be interpreted as a speedwalking
directive, and lyntin will send the appropriate number of directional
commands to your mud. If speedwalking is off, lyntin will just send
such commands directly to your mud without breaking them up or
interpreting them.

#substitute [pattern replacement]

- the argument scheme is just like actions. **2

- define a substitute such that, whenever lyntin encounters the text
pattern, it will replace it with replacement.  

#sub {a green dragon is here.} {VERY DANGEROUS GREEN DRAGON PRESENT}
#sub ralph {cousin ralph}

**2 currently pattern-variables are not supported in substitutes.
    This will probably change in the next release.

#textin (file)

- execute file as a sequence of commands.  handy for posting messages
and doing character creation, to name a couple.

- see FILES, above.

#unaction (pattern)

- remove any actions which match pattern from the current session.

#unac *fountain*
#unac {^Bill is here}

#unalias (pattern)

- remove all aliases which match pattern from the current session.

#ungag (pattern)

- remove all gags which match pattern from the current session.

#unsubstitute (pattern)

- remove all substitutes which match pattern from the current session.

#var [name value]

- with no arguments, display all variables for the current session

- with one argument, display any variables matching the argument, with
wildcard expansion supported

- with two arguments, define a variable name whose value is value.
variables are different from pattern-variables in that they stay in memory
for an entire session.

- the value of name can be referenced at anytime with $name.

#var water fountain

#al swv {#all #var {victim} {%%1}} <-- note the nested braces.  A pattern
variable must contain as many %'s as its nesting depth.

#al kk {kill $victim} <-- note the braces.  they are necessary because
otherwise kk would be defined as kill (whatever the value of victim happens
to be when you define the alias)

#write (file)

- save the current session's actions/aliases/subs/gags/vars to file.

- see FILES, above.

J C Lawrence                               Internet: claw at null.net
(Contractor)                               Internet: coder at ibm.net
---------(*)                     Internet: claw at under.engr.sgi.com
...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...

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