[MUD-Dev] OT: Mud Settings

Travis Casey efindel at polaris.net
Tue Dec 30 19:19:35 CET 1997

From: Vadim Tkachenko <vadimt at 4cs.com> wrote:

>Marian Griffith wrote:
>> > Also, Roger Zelazny had written a book which had a similar scenario (I
>> > just don't remember the name of the book) where the newborn son of a
>> > powerful magic-user was exchanged for a baby from a technology world to
>> > prevent him from doing any harm to the magic world.
>> I think you're referring to the book 'Jack of Shadows'
>No, Jack of Shadows was about totally different scenario - I don't
>remember a lot, but his remerkable ability, as I remember, was to
>overhear everything and/or materialize in the slightest shadows.
>That was something different - unfortunately, I've read it in a Russian
>translation and even when I tried to recall, browsing Amazon, I couldn't

I believe it would be his duology, _Changeling_ and _Madwand_.  They were
published a few years ago as a single book, since the originals were both
very short.  I don't recall the title of the one-book version.
      |\      _,,,---,,_        Travis S. Casey  <efindel at io.com>
 ZZzz  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   No one agrees with me.  Not even me.
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