[MUD-Dev] Reputation, was butthead features

Jeff Kesselman jeffk at tenetwork.com
Tue Aug 5 19:43:31 CEST 1997

>I am curious as to how exactly you are handling this. I assume that 
>mere words can only lower reputation, not enhance it? Otherwise it 
>seems easy to seesaw the value... Also, do you have both fame and 

Or to correct for your  bad deeds with empty words.

Indeed, words can onyl lower it.  In fact, infamy can only go "up"...
We are considereing a very gradual infamy decay but havent decided yet.
This IMO pertty accurately models real people as well as having the
practical effects we want.  Peopel are quick to collect the bad info on
others and tend to forget the good (aren't we an awful species??)

Our goal here is primarioly to cotnmrol overt nasty behavior.  Yo ucna stil
lbe nasty, but you need to hide it if you want to remian accepted by
society and to have access tro al lthat brings. Again, we feel a reasonable
if voer simplified model of a society.

We DO have a seperate Valor scale that ahs to do with bravery, but they are
seperate and effect differnt things.

>infamy scales, or merely fame or merely infamy?

No fame.  Infamy and valor.  They are orthogonal though the combination
tells you soemthing about a player...  (high infamy high valor is a
reasonably noble ,if too obvious, villian. high infamy low valor is a
lamer-jerk most likely)

Jeff Kesselman
Snr. Game Integration Engineer
TEN -- The Total Entertainment Network -- www.ten.net

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