[DGD] ansi colours

Robert Forshaw iouswuoibev at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 30 21:38:18 CEST 2004

>From: "Kirk Smith" <ksmith at illiji.net>
>The patch is for DGD 1.1 and fails on newer versions. You can read it an
>discover how to do it manually, or just read up here:

Ok, I have applied the changes by hand. I've added a define for the ESC 
character, and changed the if statement so that it lets it through. However, 
when trying to make the MUD print back some coloured text to me it still 
doesn't do it right:

code this_user() -> tell("\e[0;34mTESTING")

will print out:


It seems to be ignoring the escape character, and treating it as an 'e'. 
I've considered the possibility of it being my client but I've tried it with 
two clients (Pueblo and Wintin) both of which, to my knowledge, understand 
ansi escape sequences...

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